Olive Union Assembly

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Brass Compression Fittings for Copper Tubbing Supplier, Brass Compression Fittings for Copper Tubing Manufacturers in India, Olive Union Assembly

Olive Union Assembly

Olive Union Assembly

K. K. International is a well-known Olive Union Assembly Manufacturer and Supplier in Gujarat, India. K. K. International was built up in the year 1981 and through its expert building aptitude, effectively settled itself as an exceptionally dependable maker, exporter, and broker of the scope of Precision Brass fitting Parts.

Compression fittings are popular because they do not require soldering, so they are comparatively quick and easy to use. They require no special tools or skills to operate. They work at higher pressures and with toxic gases. Compression fittings are especially useful in installations that may require occasional disassembly or partial removal for maintenance etc. since these joints can be broken and remade without affecting the integrity of the joint.

They are also used in situations where a heat source, in particular a soldering torch, is prohibited, or where it is difficult to remove remains of water from inside the pipe which prevents the pipe from heating up to allow soldering.

Features :

  • Basic foundation, direct action and bolster free.
  • Air pocket tight fixing, Corrosion Free
  • Indisputably fitting for most mechanical applications.
  • Quarter Turn on-off

Application of Olive Union Assembly :

  • Light, Water, Oil & Gas Industries

At, K. K. International, we are committed to fulfill the market needs and enhance our competitive advantage in terms of emerging technology and the changing customer requirements.


For any query regarding our products, you can contact us at +91 – 288 – 2561153 / +91 – 288 – 2561535 or write to us at mail@kkinternational.co.in.

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